Circulation | Spring 2023
Check Outs (Gross)[1]     Bookings  
Mediated 5412 78.19% Patron Detail Count Percent   Material Types Count Percent
Self 1510 21.81% Postgrad (PHD) 3 4.8%   AV Equipment 2 3.2%
TOTAL 6922 100.00% Retired Faculty   0.0%   Media Collection 13 21.0%
Staff 15 24.2%   Media Oversize   0.0%
Potential Check Outs by Service Level[2] Undergraduate 26 41.9% Main    0.0%
Staff Required 1,266[3] Grad Student 5 8.1% GSD (comp. equip) 47 75.8%
Self-check Optional 5,656[4] Research Assoc   0.0% TOTALS 62 100%
TOTAL 6922 Sessional 1 1.6%
ULFA Faculty 12 19.4%
Self-check Actual 26.70%[5] TOTALS 62 100%
Check Outs by Patron Detail           Circulation of Computing Equipment
Patron Detail Lethbridge Calgary DDS ILL Total Percent Patron Detail Dell Laptops[6] MacBook Pro[7]
Adjunct Faculty 1       1 0.01% Graduate Student 11 5
Alumni 183       183 2.64% Postgrad (PhD) 6  
Collaborative Faculty         0 0.00% Sessional 3  
Conservatory 1       1 0.01% Staff 43 8
Contract         0 0.00% ULFA faculty 6 6  
Community/Public         0 0.00% Undergraduate 274 205
Graduate Student 489   18   507 7.32% TOTALS 343 224
Audit         0 0.00% 60% 40%
Post Doc Fellow 18       18 0.26%
Post Grad (PhD) 145   1   146 2.11%
Reciprocal 90       90 1.30%
Research Associate 24       24 0.35%
Retired Fac./Staff 77       77 1.11%
Sessional 79       79 1.14%
Staff 268   34[8] 336 638 9.22%
ULFA faculty 818       818 11.82%
Undergraduate 4319 3 18   4340 62.70%
Visiting Prof         0 0.00%
No Code         0 0.00%
TOTALS 6512 3 71 336 6922 100%
Collection Circulation
Location Check Outs Renewals Inhouse
  Count % Count % Count %
AV Equipment 4 0.06%   0.00%   0.00%
Media 169 2.44% 136 3.14% 5 0.12%
Media Oversize   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
Curr Lab Assessment 147 2.12% 27 0.62% 3 0.07%
Curriculum Lab 1732 25.02% 1195 27.59% 2340 55.58%
Government Documents   0.00%   0.00% 19 0.45%
Interlibrary Loans 320 4.62% 357 8.24%   0.00%
LPL Books 7 0.10% 6 0.14% 1 0.02%
LPL Media 8 0.12% 6 0.14%   0.00%
Popular Reading 72 1.04% 34 0.78% 6 0.14%
Main 3511 50.72% 2412 55.68% 1620 38.48%
Map Collection   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
Oversize 64 0.92% 60 1.39% 37 0.88%
Remote Penny Collection   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
Remote (L810 collections)   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
Reserve Collection 82 1.18% 8 0.18%   0.00%
Current Serials 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 78 1.85%
Reference 1 0.01%   0.00% 21 0.50%
Special   0.00%   0.00% 34[9] 0.81%
GSD (computing equip., etc.) 712 10.29% 44 1.02%   0.00%
Microform   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
None   0.00%   0.00%   0.00%
Our Stories 92 1.33% 46 1.06% 46 1.09%
TOTALS 6,922 100% 4,332 100% 4,210 100%

Malinsky, Jesse:
Only terminals 400 (General Services Desk) and 401 (Self Check) are displayed in report. Total check outs is 7032 amongst all terminals.
Malinsky, Jesse N.:
This category parses the volume of circulation that could theoretical have been self-checked from those that absolutely require staff assistance.
Malinsky, Jesse N.:
Staff required for this volume of circulations.
Malinsky, Jesse N.:
This volume of circulation could have been performed by patron/self-check.

Self-check Optional Includes: Curr Lab, Popular Reading, Main, and Oversize.
Malinsky, Jesse N.:
This adjusted number is derived by dividing the gross self-checks by the service level self-checkable items (i.e., 4852÷14272).

Those check outs that require a staff member are discarded from the calculation.
jesse n. malinsky:
icode: 581
jesse n. malinsky:
icode: 584
Malinsky, Jesse:
Anomaly related to System's testing.
Malinsky, Jesse:
Spec: 33
Spec OS: 1