Main  132701
Mobile 6108
Classic catalogue 25777
Encore 42010
  New Users
Main 20.00%
Mobile 17.57%
  Referral Source Hits Referrals are visitors that come to our websites via a link from another site. Shown here are the top three referral sources for the main and mobile websites.
Main 2802 2615 2317
Mobile 83 75 50
  Google Query Hits The top three Google searches that result in a visitor coming to the main and mobile websites respectively.
Main uleth library 1184
  university of lethbridge 913
  uleth 654
Mobile uleth bridge 79
  university of lethbridge 44
  uleth 36
  Site Search Searches The top three searches performed from within the main website itself.
Main endnote 111
  jstor 74
  moodle 69
  Top Page Hits The most frequently visited pages on our main and mobile websites.
Main /lib 187726
  /lib/indexes 14709
  Nursing Resources 6186
Mobile /lib/mobile 6160
  /lib/mobile/booking/room 5953
  /lib/mobile/searchmenu 1586
  Browser Hits The browsers used most frequently by visitors to our main website.
Main Internet Explorer 37947
  Chrome 32238
  Firefox 29491
  Device OS Hits The device operating systems used most frequently by visitors to our mobile website.
Mobile iOS 4460
  Android 1123
  Windows 257