Microscopy Core Facility


The University of Lethbridge Microscopy Core Facility is a collection of Microscopy equipment available for use by anyone on a fee-per-use basis.

Who can use the Microscopy Core Facility?

The microscopy core facility is available to both University members and non-University members. Members of the University include all employees and students. Non-University members include anyone outside of the University including researchers in industry, other universities and the government sectors.

Do I need training to use the Microscope Core Facility?

Training on each microscope is provided and required. This ensures the user operates the equipment with maximum efficiency to obtain the best data possible in the shortest amount of time.

How do I get started?

The first step is to contact the microscopy core facility manager in order to discuss your research needs and arrange a time to go through training and administration.

If you already know what equipment you need, you can review the equipment available to you on this website and learn about its capabilities. The specifications for each instrument is available on the instrument website pages:

Olympus Confocal FV1200

Hitachi SEM

Hitachi TEM

Olympus TIRF


Nikon Confocal

Olympus Confocal Microscope

Hitachi TEM

Hitachi STEM

Nikon Confocal Microscope

TIRF Total Internal Reflection Microscope

Contact Information

Maurice Needham

Instructor & Core Facility Manager

University of Lethbridge
Science Commons SA6438
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4
