We are ULethbridge Fine Arts!

All artists, performers, musicians, designers, ground-breakers, boundary-pushers and change-makers are welcome here.
Get your hands dirty. Make your heart race. Let your creativity soar.
Ignite your inspiration. Find solutions. Create discussion.
Learn alongside entrepreneurs, curators, engineers, architects, developers, designers, explorers and industry leaders.
Go beyond textbooks and classrooms. Get into studios and soundboards, onto screens and stage. Go backstage or behind a camera. Go everywhere. Experience everything.
Show how you make the world beautiful, interesting and unique at ULethbridge.

Jump to: undergraduate programs | graduate programs | about us

Meet ULethbridge Fine Arts!

Incorporating the Fine Arts in Indigenous research practices

Researchers in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lethbridge are breaking new ground with an exploration into Indigenous research practices.

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Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal Winner Alayna McNeil (BMus '24)

Fine Arts graduate Alayna McNeil (BMus '24) took advantage of every opportunity to perform during her studies at the University of Lethbridge, even participating in the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra.

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Shining Student Carrie Yellow Horn

Carrie Yellow Horn's University of Lethbridge journey is marked by a unique blend of cultural exploration, academic pursuit, and creative expression. As a talented crafter and lover of music, Carrie brings a unique and vibrant …

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Shining Music Graduate Jaimee Jarvie builds Multiple Sclerosis community through song

When Faculty of Fine Arts graduate Jaimee Jarvie (BMus '13, MMus '24) was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, her path to understand and accept her new reality led her to graduate studies at …

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Shining Fine Arts Graduate Kort Woycheshin excels with variety, mentorship and co-op

Fine Arts graduate Kort Woycheshin was able to take part in many different experiences during his time at the University of Lethbridge.

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Shining Dramatic Arts Graduate Ahona Sanyal brings love of theatre to community

Fine Arts graduand Ahona Sanyal (BFA - Dramatic Arts '24) fostered her passion for creativity as a student, taking part in a variety of experiences both onstage and offstage.

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Studying in Fine Arts

Abbondànza Undergraduate Entrance Award

Earn up to $2,000 to support your education! Submit your application before March 15.

Abbondànza Award applicationFind more awards & scholarships

Explore graduate programs in Fine Arts

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Major: Art

Master of Arts (MA)

Major: Art

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Major: Dramatic Arts

Master of Arts (MA)

Major: Dramatic Arts

Master of Music (MMus)

Major: Music

Master of Arts (MA)

Major: Music


Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Major: New Media

Master of Arts (MA)

Major: New Media