Educational Technology Committee

Educational Technology Website

Educational Technology Committee Mailing List

The purpose of the committee is to assist and advise the Faculty towards achieving its goal of preparing students who are competent, confident and discriminating in the use of appropriate communications technology in teaching and learning.

Committee Chair: Ken Heidebrecht

Committee Members:

Name Organization Title/Position Committee Title


Ken Heidebrecht Education Coordinator Educational Technology (ex officio) Chair  
Lisa Starr Education Dean (ex officio)

Ex officio 

Beth Cormier  Education Faculty   2

Danny Balderson 

Education Faculty   1

Robert LeBlanc 

Education Faculty   1
Kevin Wood Education Faculty   2


Scott Powell Education Technical Support Resource Person  

Membership Rules:

  • Dean of the Faculty of Education
  • Coordinator of Educational Technology [Chair]
  • at least 3 elected faculty members:
  • Technology resource people: (non-voting)

The following information was obtained from the March 1994 Faculty of Education Handbook:

  • "ex-officio members have full voting privileges on the committee" and "normally the person chairing the committee does not vote, except that in the case of a tie, the Chair may cast the deciding vote"
  • "a quorum is one-half the membership of a committee" (in this case a quorum is 3)