PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER II/III Student Information Form - Spring 2023


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Dear Professional Semester II/III Students:

In follow up to your recent response to indicate your intent to complete PS II/III in the Spring 2023 term, we ask that you please complete the enclosed PS II/PS III Student Information Form which will provide useful information to coordinate your combined practicum and internship placement.

1. Please complete this form no later than Friday, October 14, 2022.  

2. Professional Semester II/III will be available in our regular Zone 6 placement areas, OR in Out of Zone locations for students who have previously submitted an application for an Out of Zone location by the August 15, 2022 due date. Students requesting an Out of Zone location have already received notification of the status of their request. 

3. PS III Internship options that are available for the Spring 2023 PS II/III practicum will require the approval by Student Program Services via the Internship Options form. The internship options available are:

  • Early Childhood Education (ECE, grades 1-3)
  • Technology in Education (Elementary grades)
  • Inclusive Education (Elementary grades)

Students can expect to receive their PS II/PS III placements in December.


Faculty of Education - Field Experiences