Fowler, Leah

Adjunct Professor (Curriculum Theory, Language and Literacy, and Phenomenological Research)

Edu - Adjunct


About Me

Ph. D. Curriculum Studies - University of Victoria, BC.
M. Ed. English Education and Language Arts - University of Alberta
B. Ed. English and Science Education - University of Alberta
B. Sc. Biology (Genetics) - University of Alberta

Recent Publications:
Fowler, L. (2006). A Curriculum of Difficulty: Narrative Research in Education and the Practice of Teaching. Berne, New York: Peter Lang.
[see order information below]

Fowler, L. (2009). Imagination and Inner Literacies of a Teaching Consciousness. In Challenges Bequeathed: Taking up the challenges of Dwayne Huebner. Patrick Lewis and Jennifer Tupper (Eds.). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Donawa, W. & Fowler, L. (Forthcoming, January 5, 2013). Reading Canada: Teaching Fiction in Secondary Schools. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

My teaching work is with graduate students and with pre-service teachers, supervising students in practica, and conduct research in education. Won the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2010. Provincial Teaching Excellence Award in 1992.

Includes/d: Board of Governors, School of Graduate Studies Council, General Faculties Council, University Senate, Chief Convocation Marshall, and several committees (English Language Arts Council for Alberta, Faculty Budget, Executive council, University Chancellor/ President/Dean/Faculty search committees, Grievance Committee, University Review Committees. I also served as Professional Semester One and Two Coordinator in the Faculty of Education.


Story, study, and care have been central to my life with others and with myself. I was an early reader and writer, growing up in central Alberta. As a young adult i headed to Edmonton to study and explore the planet and being. Before studying education, I worked variously as a postal clerk, waitress, housepainter, Canada Post sorter, driving instructor, firewood provider, recreation therapist for institutionalized children with severe challenges, and graduate researcher in radiation genetics.
As an old biologist, I like to kayak and garden. Music, meditation, Tai Chi, art, and enjoy literature. Gentle, sentient people contribute to my best consciousness.

Research Interests

Working qualitatively, I study enduring and worthy questions with an interpretive inquiry lenses, especially hermeneutics, phenomenology, and narrative analysis to explore theory and practice for better being and dwelling.
My research and teaching focuses on:
• Curriculum theory and practice,
• Canadian Literature,
• Teacher Education
• Professional identity and development

Two current books are in progress: Reading Canada: Fiction in High Schools and Jane Rule: Writer and Teacher in Conversation.