Assessment Instruments (Counselling Program)
The Faculty of Education has created an Assessment Library to house psychological assessment materials used for teaching purposes. The Faculty has a legal and ethical obligation to safeguard these items. Access to the collection is managed by the Curriculum Laboratory. The collection itself is owned and managed by the graduate program in Counselling psychology and is overseen by Dr. Elaine Gredanius.
Assessment Collection
Below is a comprehensive list of the Assessment Instruments the Curriculum Laboratory houses. Please check to see if an item is listed as IN LIBRARY before requesting it from Curriculum Lab staff. You can view the full record and availability of an item by clicking on the abbreviations below.
Abbreviation | Title | Copies |
ABAS-3 | Adaptive Behavior Assessment System Third Edition | 1 |
ALL | Assessment of Literacy and Language | 1 |
BADS | Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome | 1 |
BADS-C | Behavioural Assessment Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children | 1 |
BAI | Beck Anxiety Inventory | 2 |
BASC-3 | Behaviour Assessment System for Children Third Edition | 1 |
BDI-II | Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition | 3 |
BHS | Beck Hopelessness Scale | 1 |
BRIEF-2 | Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Second Edition | 1 |
BSI | Brief Symptom Inventory | 1 |
BSS | Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation | 2 |
BVMI-6 | Beery Test of Visual Motor Integration Sixth Edition | 1 |
BYI-II | Beck Youth Inventory Second Edition | 2 |
CAT-3 | Canadian Achievement Tests Third Edition | 1 |
CRS-3 | Conner’s Rating Scale Third Edition | 1 |
DAPS | Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress | 1 |
DTLA-4 | Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude Fourth Edition | 1 |
DTLA-5 | Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude Fifth Edition | 1 |
EARL-20B | Early Assessment Risk List for Boys | 1 |
EARL-21G | Early Assessment Risk List for Girls | 1 |
EDI-3 | Eating Disorders Inventory Third Edition | 1 |
GATB | General Aptitude Test Battery | 1 |
HCR-20: V3 | Historical (H), Clinical (C), Risk Management (R) Version 3 | 2 |
IASC | Inventory of Altered Self-Capacities | 1 |
JVIS | Jackson Vocational Interest Survey | 1 |
KBIT-2 | Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Second Edition | 1 |
KBIT-2R | Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Second Edition Revised | 1 |
KMAT-3 DA:A | KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment, Form A | 1 |
KTEA-3 | Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Third Edition | 1 |
K-SEALS | Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills | 1 |
MBTI-3 | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Third Edition | 1 |
MMSE-2 | Mini-Mental State Examination Expanded Version Second Edition | 1 |
OSI-R | Occupational Stress Inventory Revised Edition | 1 |
PPVT-5:A | Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fifth Edition, Form A | 1 |
PPVT-5:B | Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fifth Edition, Form B | 1 |
PSI-3 | Parenting Stress Index Third Edition | 1 |
PSI-4 | Parenting Stress Index Fourth Edition | 1 |
RADS-2 | Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale Second Edition | 1 |
RAV-2 | Raven's 2 Progressive Matrices Clinical Edition | 1 |
SAGES-3 | Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students Third Edition | 1 |
SARA-V3 | Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Version 3 | 1 |
SASSI-4 | Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory Fourth Edition | 1 |
SAVRY | Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth | 1 |
SCAN-3:A | Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders for Adolescents and Adults | 2 |
SCAN-3:C | Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders for Children | 2 |
SCQ | The Social Communication Questionnaire | 1 |
SCL-90-R | Symptom Checklist-90-R | 1 |
SDIS | Sleep Disorder Inventory for Students | 1 |
SDS-4 | Self-Directed Search Fourth Edition | 2 |
SII | Strong Interest Inventory Revised Edition | 4 |
SMALSI | School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory | 1 |
SPAI | Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory | 2 |
STAXI-2 | State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory | 1 |
SVR-20:2 | Sexual Violence Risk Assessment-20 Version 2 | 1 |
TERA-3 | Test of Early Reading Ability Third Edition | 1 |
TERA-4 | Test of Early Reading Ability Fourth Edition | 1 |
TOMA-3 | Test of Mathematical Abilities Third Edition | 1 |
TOPS-3 | Test of Problem Solving | 1 |
TOWL-4 | Test of Written Language | 1 |
TSI-2 | Trauma Symptom Inventory Second Edition | 1 |
TWS-5 | Test of Written Spelling Fifth Edition | 1 |
WAI | Who Am I? | 1 |
WJ-IV | Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement Fourth Edition | 1 |
Alberta Education approved Literacy and Numeracy Assessments
Abbreviation | Title | Copies |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Overview | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Acadience Reading Survey | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Acadience Reading Diagnostic - Comprehension, Fluency, & Oral Language Assessment Materials | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Acadience Reading Diagnostic - Phonemic Awareness & Word Reading and Decoding Assessment Materials | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Acadience RAN | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Campus Kit: Progress Monitoring Assessment Kit | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Classroom Kit 1 | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Classroom Kit 2 | 1 |
- | Acadience Reading K-6 Classroom Kit 3 | 1 |
TOWRE-2 | Test of Word Reading Efficiency | 1 |
WIAT-III | Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Third Edition | 2 |
WIAT 4 | Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Fourth Edition | 6 |
WRAT-5 | Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition | 2 |
Abbreviation | Title | Copies |
ABS-S:2 | AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School Second Edition | 1 |
ADDES-4 | Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale Fourth Edition | 1 |
ADDES-5 | Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale Fifth Edition | 1 |
ADHD-SRS | Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms Rating Scale | 1 |
APP | The Apraxia Profile | 1 |
BADDS-A | Brown ADD Scales for Adolescents and Adults | 1 |
BADDS-C | Brown ADD Scales for Children and Adolescents | 2 |
BEFAS | Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales | 1 |
CAS-2 | Cognitive Assessment System Second Edition | 1 |
CASE | Clinical Assessment Scales for the Elderly | 1 |
CMS | Children's Memory Scale | 1 |
CVLT-C | California Verbal Learning Test for Children | 1 |
DAP-IQ | Draw-A-Person IQ Test | 1 |
MACI | Millon Adolescent Clinical Interview | 1 |
MACI-II | Millon Adolescent Clinical Interview | 1 |
MCMI IV | Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory Fourth Edition | 5 |
MMPI-2 RF | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Second Edition | 1 |
MMPI-3 | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Third Edition | 1 |
MMPI-3 | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Third Edition - Manual Only | 4 |
PAI-A | Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents | 1 |
PAI-2 | Personality Assessment Inventory Second Edition | 1 |
PCL-R | Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised | 2 |
PCL:YV | Hare Psychopathy Checklist Youth Version | 1 |
PHCSCS-3 | Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale Third Edition | 1 |
PRS | Problem Rating Scale | 3 |
RCFT | Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial | 1 |
RISB-2 | Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank Second Edition | 2 |
SCID-5-CV | Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders | 1 |
SCID-5-CV | Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders - Manual Only | 19 |
SCID-5-PD | Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Personality Disorders | 15 |
SCID-5-SPQ | Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Screening Personality Questionnaire | 15 |
SIRS-2 | Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms Second Edition | 1 |
TABS | Trauma Assessment and Belief Scale | 1 |
TOMM | Test of Memory Malingering | 1 |
VABS-3 | Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Third Edition | 1 |
WAIS-IV | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition | 2 |
WASI-II | Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence Second Edition | 7 |
WCST:CV4 | Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Computer Version Fourth Edition | 1 |
WISC-V | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition | 3 |
WMS-IV | Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition | 1 |
WPPSI-IV | Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition | 1 |
WTAR | Wechsler Test of Adult Reading | 1 |
Access to the Collection
Due to the sensitive nature of these materials, publishers restrict access to qualified professionals who meet the guidelines listed at
Students and practitioners are bound by their professional standards of practice and/ or code of ethics to only access items that they are suitably trained to administer.
Assessments may be borrowed for educational purposes by:
- Graduate students in a designated Master of Counselling or M.Ed. (Counselling Psychology) course (Level C)
- Undergraduate/Graduate Students in an approved assessment course (Level B)
- Registered Psychologists in the Faculty of Education (Level C)
- Education Faculty Members (Level B)
The borrower must complete an Acknowledgement of Borrower Guidelines Form. Users are responsible for returning the materials directly to Curriculum Lab Staff (L1170F, M-Th 8:30-4:30, F 8:30-4). Any items damaged or lost are subject to repair or replacement costs. Replacement or repair costs are the sole responsibility of the user.
Eligible borrowers may also use materials for research purposes provided that the full cost of consumables is reimbursed to the Faculty of Education.
Photocopying of material is prohibited by the publisher.
Assessment Library Materials are borrowed from AND returned directly to Curriculum Lab staff on Level 11
L1170F, Monday to Thursday 8:30-4:30, Friday 8:30-4
For information questions, general inquiries, or circulation questions, phone the Curriculum Laboratory Information Service Desk at 403-329-2288, or ask your question online.