GoVenture demo

Go Venture

Sign up here to take part in a GoVenture simulation workshop!! 

Mar. 10 (12-1pm) - virtual

Are you a student interested in taking part in the KPMG General Business Strategy Case Competition occurring virtually Mar.15-26 , or a Faculty member looking to learn about the GoVenture simulation software for possible future course integration?? Sign up here to receive a free demo code to try out the simulation in our upcoming interactive workshop. Students and faculty are invited to a 1-hour game workshop where everyone will compete head-to-head in a business simulation competition!

You will play GoVenture CEO, a business simulation used in universities and Fortune 500 companies around the world to teach business and leadership skills — watch demo video.

The KPMG Case Competition will be using this gamified simulation software this year instead of the traditional written case. All teams will be running a company within the same industry. Decisions you make will have different costs (ie. time, money, man power, etc) and the decision of each company impacts the game world just like in the real economy.  The bonus here is that instead of just presenting a business solution you are actually executing it in “the world” to learn from the many impacts your plan has and follow-up decisions required. It will be a race to see who can make the most money!! Participate in this workshop demo of the GoVenture CEO software to have a leg up in the competition!! 


For more information about this, e-mail the Student Professional Development coordinator, Heather Harty at