Advisory — Community rallies around student support, sets new mark for Buy A Student A Breakfast campaign

University of Lethbridge alumni, employees and community supporters answered the call on Giving Tuesday, supporting the annual Buy A Student A Breakfast campaign in record fashion. The final tally resulted in $9,365 raised and 1,560 breakfast coupons purchased for ULethbridge students as they head into their final exams.

“Thanks to your incredible generosity, our students are starting this exam season with the nourishment and support they need to succeed,” says Cyndi Crane (BMus ’95, MEd ’01), University of Lethbridge Alumni Association president. “Beyond a warm meal, your support delivers an even greater gift — a reminder to students that their community is behind them, rooting for their success. That simple breakfast coupon could be the boost they need to tackle their exams with confidence and determination.”

In addition to community support, ULethbridge’s food service provider, Chartwells, donated a percentage of the breakfast cost to the campaign.

“Our students’ success is our priority and we’re grateful for the community’s help to achieve that goal,” says Kathleen Massey, vice-provost (students). “The Buy A Student A Breakfast campaign complements many other supports, such as the Student Success Centre’s final exam study tips, mental health and wellness outreach, and the Food for Thought programming, that remind students we’re all supporting them so they can finish the semester strong.”

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Trevor Kenney, Manager of Public Affairs


403-360-7639 (cell)


Our University’s Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone. The University is located in traditional Blackfoot Confederacy territory. We honour the Blackfoot people and their traditional ways of knowing in caring for this land, as well as all Indigenous Peoples who have helped shape and continue to strengthen our University community.