Your Students' Union
The Students’ Union (ULSU) represents undergraduate students in every capacity.
You may choose to speak to an SU representative if you do poorly on an exam, there’s a problem with your academics, grade appeals, or discuss a professor’s conduct. The ULSU also helps run events, helps students connect with volunteer positions and those who need help with finances. The ULSU hardly fits into a chapter of this guide because they represent you in every facet of the student experience. If you need help pertaining specifically to your faculty, you can reach out to a faculty representative. To vote in members of the ULSU, you will receive a ballot through your student email, with a link for you to vote electronically.
Below is a statement from Ryan Lindblad (BA ‘20), Vice-President External of the Students’ Union.
"The purpose of the Students' Union is to represent and advocate for the needs of students, both on and off our campus."

The University of Lethbridge Students’ Union is the student-led advocacy body on campus for undergraduate students. The ULSU consists of a general assembly made up of 21 representatives who occupy a variety of different positions which cater to our unique campus so that all students will be represented. The ULSU also has a variety of full-time staff who help run many of our services and projects, all of whom work in the ULSU office with the five executive members of the ULSU.
The purpose of the Students’ Union is to represent and advocate for the needs of students, both on and off our campus. The ULSU has a variety of internal committees and seats on many University committees, including the General Faculties Committee, the Senate, and the Board of Directors. The ULSU also engages in government advocacy to the municipal, provincial, and federal government and has frequent advocacy meetings with MLAs and MPs to advocate for student needs and interests. Simply put, the ULSU’s purpose is to try and make the University of Lethbridge a better place for the student body, which makes the University what it is. The ULSU will be involved and be fighting for what students need whether or not this means getting involved with concerns of academia on the campus, or advocating for students with members of the Federal, Provincial, or Municipal government or throwing fun social events like Fresh Fest, or Last Class Bash,
The Students’ Union also provides a myriad of services to help students along their journey in the post-secondary system. This includes the distribution of emergency grants to students who may be facing financial difficulty and facilitating the ULSU foodbank to assist students who may need support making ends meet and ensuring they are fed and have access to food. In addition, the ULSU also facilitates the health and dental plan for students who need access to this coverage while they are attending the University of Lethbridge. We also run the UPass system, which helps provide ease of access to public transportation.
The Students’ Union is also the group that ratifies and helps to support our many clubs on campus. Clubs are an excellent way for students to meet like-minded individuals with similar interests. Our clubs provide something for everyone. Whether or not you are a fan of video games, chess, sports, art, food, or just want to meet a bunch of other individuals in your major, there is truly something for everyone. The clubs are open to everyone, and we have large club rushes each year, one at the start of the fall semester and another at the start of the spring semester. Clubs have their own meetings and often have their own events, which the ULSU will often help them throw.
Overall, the Students’ Union is here to serve our students in various ways. If students want to know more about the organization, we encourage them to just stop by our office and ask or visit our website. In addition, if students want more information on a topic or want to voice a concern that they think the ULSU should be getting involved with, they should always feel free to reach out to their ULSU representatives to communicate this, or once again, they could always stop by the office.