Thank You
This guide was made possible through the contributions of many students, alumni and staff at the University of Lethbridge.
Thank you for taking the time to interact with this guide. As a student, you have a unique perspective, and your time is incredibly valuable. Be confident in your decision to study at the University of Lethbridge—you’re in the right place.
Martha Mathurin-Moe, thank you for taking the time out of your busy day for our interview and inspiring commentary. Thank you for your feedback on this guide. We are so lucky to have you and look forward to the fantastic projects you have in store.
Ryan Lindblad, thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed and informative statement about the Student Council as our dedicated vice president external.
And to the 30+ students who contributed to this guide—your advice and suggestions are immeasurably valuable. Your words make up the backbone of this project. Special thanks to those who participated anonymously in focus groups and shared advice. Your contributions in the spirit of community are generosity and kindness exemplified—and will help many fellow students for years to come.
Student contributors:
- Cassady Campos (BSc ‘21) - Computer Science
- Cheyenne Clow, BA History with a minor in Liberal Education
- Kourtney Commandeur (BA ‘21) - Psychology with minors in French and sociology
- Caileigh Coupal, BSc Kinesiology
- Amy Cran, BA Anthropology
- Victoria Digout-Ford, PreBA/BEd French/Mod Lang Education: French with a minor in Social Studies Education
- Zaynab Enayetullah, BHS Public Health
- Cayley Fleischman, BSc Neuroscience/Psychology with a minor in Mental Health
- Chloe Fraser (BA ‘20) - Urban & Regional Studies
- Tabitha Gangur-Powell, BSc Neuroscience
- Haley Gray, BHS Addictions Counselling
- Shannon Healy (BSc Co-op ‘20) - Biological Sciences; MSc Biological Sciences
- Cassie Klaas, BSc Agricultural Biotechnology
- Nicko Linares, BA Archaeology & Geography
- Kathleen Mah, BA Anthropology with a minor in Women & Gender Studies
- Derek Melchin, BSc/BMgt Computer Science/Finance
- Makita Mikuliak (BASc ‘20) - Anthropology/Psychology; MA Anthropology
- Skylar Nikkel, BSc Applied Statistics with a minor in Computer Science
- Angelica Peters (BA Co-op ‘21) - General Major: Humanities English/Spanish/History
- Jace Riehl (BSc Co-op ‘21) - Computer Science
- Julisha Roache, BA Anthropology
- Ziara Ruchkall, BA Anthropology
- Hana Sauve, BSc Kinesiology
- Haley Shade (BSc ‘21) - Biological Sciences with a minor in Anthropology
- Madeline Szabo (BSc ‘21) - Neuroscience; BA Kinesiology
- Katrina Taylor (BSc ‘21) - Biological Sciences with a minor in
- Women & Gender Studies
- Alyssa White (BASc ‘21) - Anthropology/Psychology with a minor in English; MA Anthropology
- Elisha Wong, BSc Neuroscience
Finally, Catharine Reader is the director of marketing & communications for the Faculty of Arts & Science and my co-op manager and mentor. Without Catharine, this guide would never have seen the light of day. Catharine allowed me to work on something I was passionate about and provided me with the tools to make it possible. She spent countless hours formatting, editing and putting together this guide as my co-op term end-date loomed closer.
Catharine, thank you for all your help this year, for your genuine care for students, your tireless efforts to highlight and showcase student talents and accomplishments. Thank you for working to improve the student experience and bringing awareness to new opportunities and resources. Thank you for showcasing our beautiful campus from a student-centred perspective.

About the Writer
Hello there! My name is Seraphin, and I am a third-year co-op student at ULethbridge and the writer of the “Student Guide to ULife.” However, I certainly did not write this guide on my own! In fact, I collaborated with a fantastic group of students and recent graduates, and most of the content came from them.
My manager asked me to create a capstone project to finish the final semester of my 12-month co-op work term (more on co-op later in ULife Hack #7 Elevate Your Degree on page 42). When I reflected on my first days on campus, the idea for this guide came to me.
I transferred to the University of Lethbridge as a second-year student from a larger institution. Like many, I moved away from home for the first time. I didn’t have any friends in Lethbridge, but I arrived with high hopes for what was to come. However, once I arrived on campus, I had no idea what to type into my search bar to find the information I needed. I remember feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at me from all sides.
The resources are available and ready for use, but there is so much information to digest. What I needed was a friend to point me in the right direction. This student-created guide is intended to be that friend. It will provide you with a number of useful resources and straightforward advice from your peers to help you navigate and get the most out of ULife. Use the guide as a ‘toolbox’ of knowledge, so you don’t have to go looking for information when the time comes.
Coming to ULethbridge, I discovered an amazing community with incredible supports and opportunities. Even with the best resources, I’ve learned that you can still have stressful or lonely experiences, and this is normal. I most certainly did! Recognize that you are not alone.
I hope this guide helps you feel more connected to your peers, campus, and the Lethbridge community. After all, that is the whole purpose of this guide!