Post-Diploma Bachelor of Management (BMgt) Degree
Flexible Programs for Working Adults
*NOTE: Those applicants who already possess a previously awarded 3 or 4 year (minimum 90.0 credit) Bachelors degree, a graduate degree (Masters or PhD), or their recognized academic equivalents at the time of application to uLethbridge, will be considered for the BMgt's second degree admission route rather than the post-diploma admission route, as a baccalaureate is considered to be a higher-level credential than that of a college diploma. |
If you hold a pre-approved business administration or business-related diploma from one of uLethbridge's designated partner colleges at the time of application, then you may be eligible to earn ~1.5-2 years' worth of credit via "block transfer" towards our condensed (20-25 course) Bachelor of Management degree via the "post-diploma" admission route. Successfully admitted post-diploma students will more-or-less commence their respective management degree "Year 3" rather than at "Year 1".
While required course count for all admitted post-diploma BMgt students will range from anywhere between 20-25, it has been found to usually fall on the lower end for "same major pursuers" (e.g. MKTG diploma-to-MKTG degree) when compared to that of "differing major pursuers" (e.g. MKTG diploma-to-ACCT degree or Legal Assistant diploma-to-GMGT degree), the latter of which will usually have total program course counts that will fall on the higher end. The exact number and specific listing of courses that a given post-diploma transfer student will be deemed to complete for their individual graduation purposes, will only be determined by an Academic Advisor (as every learner will have their own custom-built requirements) after application and successful admittance into uLethbridge (never beforehand).
All Post-Diploma BMgt degree students are given up to a maximum of 10 years to graduate from their program, following their first semester of study,
At the Calgary Campus, 1-of-5 majors can be pursued within the post-diploma BMgt degree program (click on the below links for more details):
Major | Major Description | Current Curricula |
Accounting | Link |
Post-Diploma BMgt in ACCT (CPA-accredited) |
Finance | Link |
Post-Diploma BMgt in FINC (CFA University-affiliated) |
General Management | Link | |
HR Mgt & Labour Relations | Link |
Post-Diploma BMgt in HRLR (CPHR-accredited) |
Marketing | Link | Post-Diploma BMgt in MKTG |
*Note I: All post-diploma BMgt degree students - any major or campus - will be eventually provided with their own customized and Advisor-audited programs AFTER their successful admittance and will range from anywhere between 20-25 courses - the exact number of which will vary between individual students and will be contingent on their prior education coming into uLethbridge (i.e. not all students will be deemed to complete the exact same number or kinds of courses as each other due to the varying differences between individual backgrounds). Individual course waivers/duplicates and substitutions may be implemented where merited - not guaranteed - depending on if the student has previously completed substantially similar/transferably equivalent courses at other institutions beforehand.
*Note II: The post-diploma BMgt degree program's 2 other declarable majors, as listed below, are currently all exclusive to the Lethbridge Campus, at this time:
A completed 2-year college diploma (min. 60.0 credits) or equivalent, preferably in the areas of Management, Business Administration, Commerce, or related disciplines, as displayed below:
- List of pre-approved diplomas for (20-25 course) BMgt degree laddering in seven eligible majors (excluding the declined, under review, and now expired ones)
- List of pre-approved diplomas for (25-course) BMgt-GMGT laddering, only (excluding the declined, under review, and now expired ones)
- Prior diploma must also be no older than 8-years old at the time of application to uLethbridge
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (when translated against uLethbridge's 4.0 scale) in prior diploma is required for post-diploma admittance. A CGPA of 3.00+ guarantees admission.
- Applicants presenting cumulative diploma GPAs of a 2.49 or lower will unfortunately not be considered for the post-diploma admission route and will instead be reassessed for admission to the standard 40-course BMgt degree (non-negotiable)
- Such applicants will in-turn have their respective diploma courses evaluated one-by-one for individual transfer credit, where merited. Diploma courses with final grades of lower than a C- (i.e. D grades or F grades) will not be considered for transfer credit
- Successfully admitted post-diploma applicants will be waived from the Dhillon School of Business' (undergraduate) Math Admission Requirement.
- High School/Secondary School grades will not normally be looked at for post-diploma admissibility purposes however, they will still need to be declared on one's application for admission all the same.
**Additional (Non-Negotiable) English Language Proficiency (ELP) Admission Requirement for Undergraduate Applicants: Link - mandatory for all applicants, irrespective of individual program, campus, country of origin, educational history, or current residency status. |
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Awarded college diplomas that are either older than 8 years at the time of application to uLethbridge, OR not explicitly displayed on one of the above pre-appoved lists of transfer agreements, can be appealed to the Dhillon School of Business for post-diploma consideration after initial application; assessed by the faculty, in consultation with Admissions, on a case-by-case basis. Such Calgary-bound applicants are to email for details on the appeal process; must be an ACTIVE APPLICANT (i.e. reference your 9-digit uLethbridge student ID number in the body of your appeal request email to advising).
For Calgary Campus-bound Undergrads |
Fall Intake (Sept start) |
Spring Intake (Jan start) |
Summer Intake (May start) |
Off-shore International Students & Visa Holders | June 15 | September 15 | N/A |
Domestic Students (Cdn Citizens & Permanent Residents) | August 1 | December 1 | N/A |
*All intake-specific application periods will close at 11:59pm (MST) on the deadline date indicated above.
*Undergraduate program application periods for subsequent intake terms, will normally open via ApplyAlberta by no earlier than one year in advance.
- Examples:
- Fall 2021 intake = applications first opened on Sept 1, 2020
- Spring 2021 intake = applications first opened on Jan 15, 2020
*Deadlines may be extended at the discretion of the uLethbridge Registrar's Office (not always guaranteed)
- Consult the Undergraduate Application & Document Deadlines page for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding application start and end dates
See our Associated Fees webpage here
uLethbridge Designated Learning Institution (DLI) Number (all campuses):
uLethbridge's International Centre ( is able to provide counsel to both prospective and current international students on matters pertaining, but not limited to: international travel/quarantine requirements, immigration, Canadian residency, Canadian study permits/work permits/Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP), or bringing dependents, among others (see additional weblinks below):
- ULETH IC Department Website
- Inbound International Students Guide
- Pre-Departure Guide for Calgary Campus-bound International Undergrads (will also display estimated annual living costs, in Canadian dollars)
- Canadian Study Permit Info (as a future uLethbridge student)
- COVID-19 Information for Incoming International Students
- Working in Canada (as an active uLethbridge student)
- PGWP Information, as per Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) - The length of the issued PGWP will be contingent on the length of the program that the international student graduates from
*IMPORTANT: Due to our small size, the Calgary Campus currently does not possess any of its own institutionally-managed housing (onsite or offsite) services for admitted students, at this time. As a result, all inbound out-of-city/out-of-country students who are in need of living accommodations within the City of Calgary while they pursue their academic studies with uLethbridge, will be responsible for sourcing and coordinating their own living arrangements via researching local listing websites, such as (but not limited to):
- Rent Faster:
- Rent Seeker:
- Gotta Rent:
All successfully admitted undergraduate and graduate program students (domestic and international) are provided with the opportunity to apply into the university’s Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Program (“Co-op” for short) as a way to supplement their studies and enhance the value of their program and potential employment prospects upon graduation. Co-op job positions will usually consist of full-time paid work experience and will be typically related to the student’s respective area of study/major.
At this time, Co-op Work Terms are not built directly into any given uLethbridge credential program’s curriculum and are also not required for graduation purposes, at this time – that is, they are 100% OPTIONAL, meaning that a student can fully graduate from their respective uLethbridge credential program without pursuing a Co-op.
Admission into Co-op will entail its own separate application process to which individual students can elect to apply for at any time during their studies (even during one's first year) so long as it is accomplished before formally applying to graduate from the university during their last term of study.
- How Co-op works
- Anticipated Co-op Program Costs/Fees (can be subject to annual change)
- Co-op Work Term & Course Structure Information
- HOW TO APPLY for Co-op
Questions? Contact the uLethbridge Career Bridge office at
Students may elect to declare up to a maximum of two (optional) minors within a single undergraduate-level certificate or Bachelors degree program, either at the time of application or added at any point during one's studies prior to graduation.
Minors are defined as a set of 6 distinct courses (18.0 credits), per minor, which are to be completed on-top of the student's base coursework in their primary program and ultimately aim to provide learners with a fundamental depth of knowledge in a particular sub-discipline (which do not necessarily have to be related to one's major or program faculty). Upon the successful completion of all calendar-mandated course requirements, the student's chosen minor(s) will be denoted on their official uLethbridge transcript.
While there are 47 possible undergraduate minors to select from with uLethbridge, the Calgary Campus however can only guarantee completion for the following 6 at this time, due to our small size:
- Accounting - Cannot be declared by ACCT majors
- Health Leadership
- International Management - Cannot be declared by IMGT majors. Will entail the completion of at least one full-term/4-month outbound international exchange)
- Marketing - Cannot be declared by MKTG majors
- Mental Health
- Population Health
Consult the current undergraduate Academic Calendar ("Minors" section) to determine which exact courses are to be completed in order to satisfy the curriculum requirements for specific minors. Minor course requirements can be subject to change with every new calendar year. uLethbridge's 41 other declarable undergraduate minors, as listed in the Calendar, are exclusive to the Lethbridge Campus, at this time
*IMPORTANT: No undergraduate minor can be fully completed in one single semester as not all associated courses are offered every term. In addition, many minors will entail courses with specific pre-requisite conditions, which means that said courses will need to be completed in a certain sequential order due to their progressive knowledge-building/laddering structures.
Please visit the following weblinks for some example career titles, acquired skills, and possible work settings which may be in store for you as a future Calgary Campus management graduate, with respect to your chosen major of study:
(The above button will direct all navigators to the Apply Alberta system first, who will then be eventually brought to uLethbridge's own institutional application later on in the process)