Personal, Non-Academic Issues

How do I access counselling?

All uLeth students can go to the Learner Success Services on the 1st floor of the Bow Valley College building and speak with a counsellor for free. The counsellors do also take emergency situations, but you can also reach out to the Calgary 24 Hour Distress Centre at 403-266-4357.


There is something that is out of my control that is affecting my academic abilities. Who can I contact for help?

Contact our Student Services Coordinator, as they can work with you and refer you to resources like counselling—it’s free and confidential. You can also visit to the Learner Success Services on the 1st floor of the Bow Valley College building and speak with a counsellor for free.

If you need academic help, talk to your academic advisor. You can also notify your instructors, but an advisor can advocate on your behalf and relay information to your instructors without revealing personal details.


What can I do if I'm having problems with my family that are making it hard to focus on school?

That can be a difficult spot to be in. If you are unable to resolve your issues, you may want to consider counselling. You can get more information about individual counselling by contacting our Student Services Coordinator.There may be other references that the coordinator can direct you to for help as well. All uLeth students have access to speak with a counsellor for free.

If you are having academic issues, make sure you talk to an academic advisor as soon as possible.


I'm having trouble with focusing on work and school along with all my other responsibilities.

Many students at the Calgary Campus have a full time job, a family, friends, and other major responsibilities and stresses—all while attending classes. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by this sometimes, but we want to make sure you take care of yourself. There are a few options for you:

  • Speak with Calgary’s Student Services Coordinator to learn about some of the resources available to you, like tutoring, counselling, and learning strategists.
  • Talk to your academic advisor about reducing your course load, balancing your classes better, and other program planning tips.
  • When you start classes, write down all of your deadlines (online, in a planner, whatever works) so you can keep an eye on all upcoming deadlines.
  • Be proactive! If there are looming deadlines that are impossible for you, chat with your instructor.
  • Start your assignments before you think you need to. If you can get a head start, it will reduce your last minute cramming and rushing to get things done.
  • Remember to always take breaks and time for yourself.