Campus Maps (@ BVC)
As the University of Lethbridge Calgary Campus shares classroom space with Bow Valley College (BVC), all Calgary Campus-designated term courses which have been scheduled to take place onsite/in-person/face-to-face during a given semester will normally be held within one of BVC's own classrooms, which can in-turn be held within either of the college's South Campus OR North Campus towers
Classroom locations (once registered): Log-in to your Bridge account > “Student” Tab > Registration > “Student Detail Schedule” > see the “Where” field
All online-delivered/"Online Campus" courses (campus code = “OL”) on the other hand will not have an official classroom location and will instead take place digitally via some combination of Moodle, Zoom, and/or other mediums, as determined by the primary course instructor(s).
(Click on the appropriate map image links below)
Classroom Coding Scheme:
BVC South Campus Tower - Room Naming Scheme = S + (4-digit number)
- Floor 1 (S1###) - Link
- Floor 2 (S2###) - Link
- Floor 3 (S3###) - Link
- Floor 4 (S4###) - Link
- Floor 5 (S5###) - Link
- Floor 6 (S6###) - Link (The Calgary Campus office is located on this floor)
The +30 Walkway/Skybridge on 3rd floor of either the North or South Campus towers connects the two buildings together |
BVC North Campus Tower - Room Naming Scheme = N + (3-digit number)
- Floor 1 (N1##) - Map pending
- Floor 2 (N2##) - Map pending
- Floor 3 (N3##) - Map pending
- Floor 4 (N4##) - Map pending
- Floor 5 (N5##) - Map pending
- Floor 6 (N6##) - Map pending