Indigenous Program Coordinator
Shane McDougall

Oki niistoo niitanikoo Siksiikakoan! Hello, my name is Shane Gordon McDougall, my Blackfoot name is “BlackfootMan”, and I am from the Piikani Nation. I am a 4th year student with a Major in Indigenous Studies, and a Minor in Archaeology. I was first hired as a summer student at the Agility Innovation Zone, my job was to Indigenize the space and make it more inviting to our Indigenous students at the U of L. One of the things I introduced was “Traditional Games”, four games to start, Double Ball, Ball and Tail, Make the Stick Jump, and The Stone House game. I also had the freedom to show my leather work and Indigenous crafting skills, and I made numerous items, including an Elk Rattle. We have hosted events and workshops through the school year and summer for Indigenous and non-indigenous students where I was able to showcase the Games. Double Ball was a big hit and along with my colleague and good friend Kevin Roelofs we are going to try to offer it as an Intramural Sport at the U of L. Another big hit was Medicine Bag Making. Going into the Fall I have lots of ideas which include Moccasin making, Ribbon skirt, and shirt making, Drum making, Smudge Box kits, Leather Belts, and Beading Workshops, we are also going to have Elder Francis First Charger in to bless the Zone. The Agility Innovation Zone and the Staff have welcomed me in and I feel as an Indigenous Man that they have made and are continuing to be a big part in Truth and Reconciliation. I look forward to working more with them now and in the future.