Dr. Jean Harrowing
Jean received a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Biological Sciences from the University of Lethbridge in 1978. She obtained a diploma in Nursing at Lethbridge College, and has worked as a Registered Nurse in Southern Alberta for 35 years. Jean joined the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2002 and completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing in 2009.
Jean speaks about her research experience as an undergraduate at the University.
The full audio interview will be made available online in late 2017. For more information please contact the University of Lethbridge Archives. (mike.perry@uleth.ca)
(DM: Diane McKenzie, Interviewer)
JH: Yeah, it was pretty fantastic actually. It was, like I said, small classes, lots of time in the lab with professors. The professors taught the labs or were involved in the labs. They took us on field trips. There were ... I did many independent studies, there was lots of opportunity to work on an area of particular interest with various professors, so I did quite a few independent studies. And then I was lucky enough one summer to get a job at the Agricultural Research Centre which just opened so many doors for me. I was a student summer technician. But I was able to do hands on research with some of the scientists out there which gave me opportunities. I mean by the time I was in my ... the end of my second year, I was doing my own research. I was invited by my mentor and a scientist at the station to go to a scientific conference, so in the Fall of my third year I was presenting research already. So, you just don’t get so many opportunities like that.
DM: Yeah, lots of opportunities.
JH: Yeah, it was pretty amazing and I did a, what was called at the time, a Co-Op Study. So over the summer, I worked another summer as a technician at the Research Station and so I was able to get credit for my summer job which meant that I finished university by the end of my ... well at Christmas in my fourth year, so.
DM: Oh okay, kind of a semester early?
JH: A semester early, yeah, yeah.
DH: Oh, okay. So what was that focus of the research at that time?
JH: I was working for a crop entomologist, so I was out in the fields looking at insects in alfalfa fields. Yeah, so it was quite specific but I was looking at the population of insects and life cycles of insects. So, I did ... my research was on the life cycle of a particular insect that wasn’t really well known, it wasn’t well described in the literature. So, I was able to do some work on that. I mean, I don’t think I appreciated it at the time but when I look back now it was amazing to have had that opportunity. I mean, I was 19 years old presenting at a scientific conference!